News Archive
Ordered from Newest (at the top) -> to Oldest (at the bottom)
- Saturday, April 2nd, 2016
We have a cast/characters page! Witness the crisp, black-and-whiteness of it,
Also, another reminder that the comic is scheduled to update on Wednesday, April 20th. Check out the calendar down below to easily keep track of our planned, future updates - and then guffaw at how few there are (hey, I'm still figuring this thing out...!)
-- RJ (Author)
- Monday, March, 31st, 2016
Continuing to work on the website. Hey, we have a news column, twitter feed, and schedule calendar now! How about that.
-- RJ (Author)
- Wednesday, March, 23rd, 2016
All the (finished-so-far) pages are up, online now, and the site, url, and email are all online, and functioning, so I guess Wednesday, March 23rd will end up being Wykkrwomb's birthday & anniversary! There also happens to be a full moon today! That's neat, I suppose.
-- RJ (Author)