
If you have a want to know what a certain word appearing in Wykkrwomb means,
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  • Acolytes, the - Ancient literature refers to worshipers called "the Acolytes" of the Crying Child, and the enigmatic (and terrible) entity known as the "Child's Father." "The Acolytes" is the ancient name for the solemn, self-torturing Heuraathae.

  • Ambit, the - The Ambit technically includes both Outer and Inner Ambits, but is often more meant as only the latter. The Outer Ambit is essentially the shoreline that stretches down from the middle (and West) of Three Pale, and includes all the fields that lead up to the mountains and constructed walls that keep much larger, inland, Inner Ambit conservative and, in theory, safe from the rest of the world. The Inner Ambit is, of course, topped by The Amrmature Mts., and while many humans and oubokenn live in and around the Outer Ambit as of [Lollengrē Date], much of the Inner Ambit is strictly reserved for the people of The Ambit, meaning the meditation-centric yeemungcs. The Ambit is considered a part of Three Pale, but is often excluded by others when speaking of "Three Pale," meaning, more to do with the U.U.I.U.

  • Ancient Ceulacolyta - the land of the Ceulacolyta, often referred to today as "the Acolytes", also known as the Heuraathae (though that word is more expressly used to refer to the species as opposed to the ancient culture). Ancient Ceulacolyta was a vast swath of swamp-laden land (and the empire that situated itself in its mires and lakesides) long ago on Etyma in what is now commonly referred to as (the Peninsula, and the) Shards of Nostalgé, a series of broken up isles in the South hemisphere.

  • Angoumoisin Hills - a highlands of hills and cliffs within the Wykkrwoods, with some of the highest peaks reaching mountain status. The witch-run city-state of Gladesprings is nestled in a glade here.

  • Armature Mts., the - The Armature mountains stretch along the highly volcanic, yet exceptionally cold, equator, and has, for centuries, essentially connected all the continents together by said volcanic activity. Because of either the south pole or north pole always being tide-locked to one of Etyma's parental gas giants, said poles are always literally boiling hot oceans (followed by tropical climate, etc) meeting together at the arctic-temperature equator. The Armature Mts. are home to some of Etyma's more hearty denizens, surely.


  • Barater - an oubenn person afflicted with baraters syndrome.

  • Baraters Syndrome - is an inherited, oubenn specific, disorder of the thyroid, characterized by an over abundance of cell destabilization causing tumours and skin blemishes. This unique condition also allows the individual oubenn to moult digested non-organic material. With the inevitability of brain tumours, the fatality of persons afflicted is often absolute.


  • Child's Arm, the - the tangible element of the Crying Child which tethered and bridged the divine to the astral moon-planet body known as Etyma. When "Jonquil" Jacqueline de Cinderstrum destroyed The Child, the Arm was severed and sent crashing back down to Etyma, very nearly separating the entire world into two halves - or from two, into four, if the equatorial mountain ridge-line (known as The Armature Mts.) is accounted for - this made cross-continent trade by ship incredibly difficult at best, solidifying the name "Jonquil" in place of "Jacqueline" as pejorative of her actions.

  • Child's Father, the - the enigmatic (and said to be terrible) entity responsible for the siring of The Child, and the true reason The Child became known today as the Crying Child. Some historians link the judaic & Christian scriptures concerning Yahweh, the national god of the ancient kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah, and his later described son, Jesus of Nazareth (the Anointed One), to the equally early origin stories of other alien peoples, stating that the Child's Father is very reminiscent of the wroth of early Yahweh, and the Crying Child very reminiscent of Yahweh's proposed son and Messiah.

  • Child, the - potential reference to the Crying Child.

  • Child's Tumble, The Battle of - the event (and battle) whereby "Jonquil" Jacqueline de Cinderstrum defeated and banished the Crying Child, causing The Child's Arm to sever and fall down to Etyma.

  • Consortium - often refers to the Trade Consortium, the Tevelmîr trade conglomerate country.

  • Crying Child, the - the divine spirit in charge of Etyma and sorting its sentient upkeep. Tortured and driven mad by the entity which sired it, the enigmatic (and terrible) entity known as the "Child's Father," who it has been said desired for The Child to become Him by consuming and replace Him. The Child struggled with the Sins of the Father, the importance (or lack-there-of) of individuality, and the morality of becoming someone else. Was He Himself, or was He His Father? Was His Father's Plan to sacrifice Him for His people morally just of His Father? Mortal "Jonquil" De Cinderstrum didn't think so, but failed to help convince The Child of this, and was forced to destroy Him, leading to the collapse of The Child's Arm, which fell down to Etyma. Some historians link the judaic & Christian scriptures concerning Yahweh, the national god of the ancient kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah, and his later described son, Jesus of Nazareth (the Anointed One), to the equally early origin stories of other alien peoples, stating that the Child's Father is very reminiscent of the wroth of early Yahweh, and the Crying Child very reminiscent of Yahweh's proposed son and Messiah, including that, for His Father, He wept tears from his eyes, and blood from his hair, fingers, and toes, not unlike the story told whereby Jesus of Nazareth is crucified (strung up on a cross made of wood, nails individually through both hands, and a single nail through both ankles together), along with being forced to wear a crown of thorns, making him bleed from down from his head, his hands, and down over his soles and toes. Though this son was often portrayed as a calm and happy, many of the other scriptures of the time not accepted into the canon (known as "Apocrypha") detailed a more complete, and ultimately complex individual who often felt burdened by his Holy Father's cause, and adversely affected by the words and views of the people he was meant to save by the long and painful process of his own destruction.



  • Earth - the origin planet of human beings. Originally seeded by chance meteorites carrying martian bacteria. Earth was colloquially known as "The Blue Gem," and remained the centre of human culture and ritual until its eventual total resource stripping and desertion when radiation from Sol during its red dwarf phase became too detrimental forto sustain life.

  • Etyma - the current planet of human (and most other known) beings. A planet-sized moon, to be more specific, orbiting two gas giants via unstable lemniscatal orbit (figure-eight/infinity sign), featuring two winters (one mild, one harsh), two springs, and two autumns, but one, long summer as it passes between the embrace of its parental giants.


  • Father, the - potential reference to the entity known as the "Child's Father."

  • Fkoi Imiv - Esteemed Virymszi retired minister of defence gone world-traveling vagabond. Friend to the leader of the East Ambit. He was the Virymszi responsible for routing self-designated "Witch Queen" exile Syringarrosie de Cinderstrum's remnant D'arma forces from their siege on the heart of the Ambit in [date].


  • Gladesprings - A witch-run city-state located in the Angoumoisin Hills (of the Wykkrwoods) of the Wicked Lands. Famous for its namesake; pretty frost-crested mountain glade filled with natural hot springs.

  • Glenholde - 

  • Glass Shores - the north and south break in The Armature Mountains between the Sea of Dweirwuld and the Sea of Vumestes in Three Pale are home to billions-and-billions of broken up sheets of ice - due to the normal current, the summer's heat, and the grand shift of tides during said summer. This "shovels" both giant and minuscule sheets of ice up onto the shore during most of the non-wintery seasons (hence the need for special-purpose icebreaker ships during all seasons when passing through the mouth). Onlookers will often witness what seems to be a completely serene ocean at distance (no waves) but upon closer inspection become witness to what is actually giant, far-as-the-eye-can-see sheets of ice slowly being pulled by wind and current onto the shore, where it then breaks up into what is much more recognizable as sheets or panes, piling up onto itself, creating a beach not of sand, but of jagged, broken ice sheets. It is both calming and surreal to see, and many pilgrimages through Three Pale Seas include the Glass Shores because of this.


  • Half-cadaver - a condition in which a creature is reawakened from the dead with bare-minimum bodily faculties functioning to the detriment of the creature. Mindless, and Without will, unless found to be useless due to decomposition/or some other issue preventing it from following that which signals it.

  • Heuraath (pl. Heuraathae) - now, the half-cadaver of an old, extinct, sentient species. Architects of the original wykkrwombs, the Heuraathae worshipped the Crying Child, and the entity known as the "Child's Father." Though their snake-like, bunched spine had become vestigial in life, in half-death, without limitation of true pain, they are able to force out their spines through their necks, elongating (and tearing) said necks to better sing the praises of the the Child's Father - a sound that, at best, chills the blood, upsets the stomach, and stings the ears. Heuraathae are made reference to in ancient literature, such as the Dirge of Leminni, and Breakora Lae De Sohojaru ("Sojaru") as "the Acolytes." The ancient Heuraathae were known to be solemn, and common practitioners of mortification of the flesh, which was (and is) the act of atonement (and staying true to the path to sanctity), via violent, physical penance. Such examples range in extremeness greatly, from light self-flagellation, to volunteered nullification and self-blood-sacrifice.

  • Hydroway (pl. Hydroways) - are the subterranean canals constructed by Those Who Lived Before to allow ships to travel between Etyma's hemispheres, much like the The Wet Whip river on the East end of the Trade Consortium's territory. They dig in and under the highly volcanic mountains of the equator's Armature, and are constructed of the same sorts of materials that the old space elevators were made, to flex naturally with grinding fault plates, maintaining stability. Since the Child's Tumble, the West end (of the Consortium's) Hydroway has been blocked up by the Swirling Wastes blighted sands, essentially allowing the twitching death animation to cross the hemispheres as if it were one long water craft, to every merchant's dismay.


  • Irradiation Zones - As in, the place up north where the Megastructures of the original world lie in toxic soiled ruin. It is death to trek up there.


  • Jaqueline "Jonquil"  De Cinderstrum - grandmother of Theiyadora de Cinderstrum. Infamous for defeating the Child, causing the Child's Arm to severe and fall down to Etyma (this, making old cross-continent sail-based trade routes impossible, and severely hampering great merchants everywhere, hence "Jonquil", meaning selfish). She was a Togikami, like her mother before her.




  • Millborne - Millborne are a class of oubokuenn who have been rung through a process whereby their bodies and wills are "milled" into being more human-like (and thus more aesthetically pleasing) as well as being taught how to be calm, reserved, and unquestionably servile (towards their witch "millers" and owners thereafter). One of the more extreme cultural norms from the oubenn serfdom days of the old Three Pale (witch) monarchy [date]. The process is outlawed in Unionist Three Pale now, and punishable by hanging, drawing, and quartering.

  • Milleries (pl.) Millery (sl.) - the half-orphanage, half-boarding school institutions where young oubokuenn are "milled" into being more human-like (and calm, and unquestioningly servile), they, and their namesake towns in which they were the centre of industry for the slave-like serfdom trade and owning of oubokuenn, are now ghost towns at best, ruins at worst. Many harbour such horrendous stories that they're often referred to in oubenn ghost stories as places of oubenn (and evil human) spooks and spectres.




  • Plato - A witch-run city-state located in Wykkrwoods of the Wicked Lands. Famous for its strong education-based infrastructure, including the College of Plato, its academy. Named after an ancient terrestrial philosopher, Plato, who was a disciple of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle. The founding father of an ancient terrestrial academy in his own right.





  • Terrestrials - The original human beings (and the flora and fauna) that inhabited the planet Earth prior to Sol's red dwarf phase.

  • Tevelmir (pl. & sl.) - usualy stylized with the "i" having a small "v" accent in place of the dot, out of older representations of the anglicised word. Tevelmir are one of the three original species native to Etyma (meaning they evolved here in biomes separate enough to prevent easily killing one another, like with humans and their originally extinct cousins on Earth), along with oubokenn and Heuraathae, respectfully. Tevelmir are very tall and languid creatures with long, ambidextrous limbs, a fused thorax and abdomen, and a insectoid tendril-like set of mandibles used to (hide and) clean their molar-like teeth. They rule over the landmass East of Three Pale known simply as Fungalwood (though the wood, which is not technically a forest at all, but a large landscape of towering fungi, doesn't even really reach all around the area) with The Armature mountains running through through it - the "country" is called the Trade Consortium, a conglomerate of citystates run by (often considered "dishonest") female tevelmir known as the Trade Duchesses. Tevelmir are slow-footed, but rogue-like when in danger, and are often thought of as being untrustworthy due to their slyness, and sleight-of-handedness. Tevelmir are often described as being, "giant mushroom spiders," pejoratively.

  • Three Pale - often used to refer to Three Pale Seas.

  • Three Pale Seas - the landmass that surrounds the Sea of Dweirwuld (north of The Armature Mts.), and the Seas of Vumestes and Yeokosil respectively (south of The Armature Mts.) Most of this land is free from tidal flooding due to being situated so close to the equator. In [Lollengrē's Date], most of Three Pale is ruled by the Uroborenn Ultraist Imperial Union (U.U.I.U.), though the South-west peninsula is commonly referred to as "The Ambit" and is (mostly) ruled over by yeemungc people.

  • Those Who Lived Before - the local cluster (and other, alien species) refugees who found there way to Etyma and built a great northern nation there, before they were all mysteriously routed and destroyed -- at least, their great technology and megastructure co-habitual city; those who still remain today are we, the people.

  • Ticonqui - a logistics/reinforcements-based game of quasi-religious warfare and strategy wherein two players, playing as opposing sides - one barbaric, one civilized - gain troops by occupying more of the board's "shrine" areas for certain lengths of time, and ultimately win by either "taking" the enemy's demi-divine general/prophet, or by completely surrounding the board's central "tower" area in their own troops. All this, before time runs out on the pendulum set swinging at the start of the march. Should time actually run out, it is often said not to be a draw, but rather the loss of both sides via that which normally plagues a military campaign over time (such as with pestilence, hunger, lack of preparedness for seasonal change, etc). Ticonqui is one of Theiyadora's favourite games, though she has not played it nearly as often as she might like.

  • Tōgikami - legendary individuals, potentially of any and all species (heavily sentient or otherwise) tied to the well-being of nature (all things living). Their connection requires a syphoning of Change that would otherwise fry a normal genotype of their species, but those who've managed to metastasize a Piece of Nature to one of their organs successfully, are capable of exhausting the excess storages of Change from their persons (by self-harming said organ as trigger) and life on.

  • Trade Consortium - the Tevelmir trade conglomerate country. Its distinct stretched isles surrounding the main landmass is due to hundreds of years of Swirling Waste lapping up against the continent, already having to contend with major equatorial quakes as well as close-nit fault lines. Still, its sly, long-legged denizens persist, preferring the lands rich fungal forests where they (the Tevelmir) have made their home since their initial evolution.

  • Trade Duchesses - the female Tevelmir leaders who (essentially own) and run the citystates in the Trade Consortium. They are often considered one-part merchant-lord, one-part thieves guildmistresses.


  • Uroborenn - anachronistic word for Oubokuenn, still used today only as a part of the Uroborenn Ultraist Imperial Union acronym (U.U.I.U.).

  • Uroborenn Ultraist Imperial Union - A federation of communist republics built on the bones of the millborne oubokuenn union. See Witch Rebellions for more. It's people (even the humans, yell, yeemungc, tevelmir, and other species) are known as "Unionists." The U.U.I.U. is a country that believes "talent" is born, & if you aren't born with it, don't try to acquire it, because you can't get something you can only be born with.

  • U.U.I.U. - an acronym for the Uroborenn Ultraist Imperial Union. See Uroborenn Ultraist Imperial Union for more detail.


  • Virymszi (pl. Virymszicca) - Pronounced (and sometimes spelt) as both (or either) "V"  and "O" as VOirymszi or OVirymszi, due to the complex, inhuman vocal chords used by the species this name refers to. Virymszi is technically spelt using a special first letter called a "hemnjeihv," adopted into the alphabets of other common languages utilized by humans during the [Date] due to making it clearer trade was being performed with the OVloceen Dominion (the empire run by the virymszi) in sailor-shorthand, on shipping manifestos. The virymszicca are tall, slender beings often described as, "being shaped like many willowy triangles" or, "with the body of an elongated, upright greyhound." While their mouths aren't vertical, the protective membranous slit overtop of them is, and so they appear to have a sort of triangular, or coned, head with a "cross" in the middle (mouth, with scrunched eyes on both sides). Their mandible lower jaw is actually separate bones (or rather, is not meant to fuse together, as with a human's jawbone) and are independently mobile of each other, along with the teeth they work with to grind the original commonplace foods of their homeworld. There is sexual dimorphism is denoted by a much greater height with the males (who also bear what might be considered "head hair" but "upside-down and on their chins and necks" rather than simply stating that they have beards, to get across the strange look of it) while females have large pygidia (sl. pygidium) "tail" segments where fertilized "eggs" are grown and carried during pregnancy, as well as maintaining fourfold, nipple-less "breasts" lower on the chest than actual breasts are located on a human of the same gender. Virymszi are incredibly bigoted, and therefore still  maintain heavy sexism, racism, homophobia, conservatism, and traditionalism, yet they there are not better tacticians of war on Etyma. Virymszicca invented the logistics/reinforcements-centric board game Ticonqui, and just as with literal war, there are few Ticonqui players who might call themselves a gamemaster who are not (primarily male) virymszicca.


  • Wicked - a slur used originally to describe someone (often an oubenn, by another oubenn) as still maintaining servile attitudes towards witches despite their freedom - it is now seen as being much more vulgar a slang term than before as speciel tensions sore.

  • Wykkrwoods - Originally the realm known as Three Pale Seas, and the realm known as Wykkrwoods were originally one supermassive forest composed, in parts, of a series of different terrestrial and extraterrestrial tall trunked flora. After the third and final witch rebellions, the freed oubokuenn burned much of the forests original pine and douglas fir trees (as well as birch, moelba reds, plaque firs, grey hardknocks, and grossly sappy -- highly flammable -- southern sowbellies) all to drive the witches far back into the much denser, more poisonous wykkr willows (to the West). They succeeded, destroying most of the outposts, oubenn millery towns, and citystates in the area -- their native homeland.

  • Witch Rebellions - Oubokuenn, having become disenchanted with their witch monarchs (who they had originally partnered with via serfdom for mutual livelihood benefaction) due to contemptuously cruel treatment eventually led to a series of long wars known as the Witch Rebellions in attempt to throw off their servile chains in a newfound favour of -- ironically, becoming more like human allowed them access to records of the long-lived human history, and thus, increased oubokuenn intelligence tenfold, allowing them to realise and desire -- autonomy.

    • After the "First Witch Rebellions," the enslaved, millborne oubokuenn garnered enough public sympathy and support to unionize.

    • Bureaucratic relations with witches (and humans in general) did not wholly improve, and so, with the Second Witch Rebellions (beginning the oubokuenn were labelled, mockingly, as Ultraist Uroborenn, meaning they held extreme opinions (concerning person ownership/serfdom), however the oubokuenn wore the label with pride.

    • The Third (and final) Witch Rebellions was set in motion after a mass accidental lanternae burning, during witch-exile (self-designated "witch queen") Syringarrosie de Cinderstrum and her D'arma remant forces were routed while failing in attempted siege against the heart of the Ambit. Oubokuenn found themselves escaping en masse, eventually allowing them to regroup and declare the Third Witch Rebellions' war on the witches. "Uroborenn Ultraist Union" finally broke apart from their captors, torching much of the beautiful terrestrial pine and douglas fir forests of Three Pale to drive the witches back into the more poisonous parts of the forests, that which is now known as the "Wykkrwoods." During that time, a document known as the Ikenn R'n Urgoute ("Autonomy of State") was signed by all local union heads, and from then on -- [date?] -- the Uroborenn Ultraist Imperial Union, was born.




  • Ziggurat - (in ancient Ceulacolyta) a stepped, rectangular tower surmounted by buildings of grand importance to the Acolytes (such as palaces, grand barracks, colleges, and temples), to keep them from sinking down into the swamps of Ceulacolyta as with their wood and reed settlements. by a temple.

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